Landscape cutout

Validate your HTML to be SEO-proof

Technical SEO can be quickly overlooked. An editor might make the mistake of adding a second <h1>, or an image might not have an alt= tag.

I have created a simple Docker container that you can pull in and use to evaluate any webpage. It's called Hummingbird and you can find it on GitHub and Docker Hub.

This is how you can use it:

docker run -t --rm jeroeng/hummingbird:latest evaluate:url

You may replace the :latest tag (for the latest tagged version) with another, for example :dev for the current state of the main branch or a specific version (e.g. :v1.0).

By default the tool wil run every available assertion. An overview of all assertions can be found in the documentation. You can pass your own set of assertions using a flag:

docker run -t --rm jeroeng/hummingbird:latest evaluate:url -a h1,lang

There is a growing set of assertions, and some of them are grouped in a collection, or profile. For example, to only run the media assertions (which curently are three different ones):

docker run -t --rm jeroeng/hummingbird:latest evaluate:url -a media

You can even combine profiles with single assertions!

docker run -t --rm jeroeng/hummingbird:latest evaluate:url -a h1,lang,media

I am just getting started, so feel free to leave some ideas on GitHub!